On-the-Go Dabbing Done Right
The XVAPE V-One 2.0 is a powerful concentrate vaporizer that is known for producing massive volumes of vapor. It features a dual titanium coil that heats up quickly and generates a dragon tail cloud of smoke. The V-One 2.0 also has a pure and satisfying flavor profile, thanks to its attention to purity. The spill proof bubbler attachment adds an additional filter for a smoother vape, and the temperature control feature allows for customizable vaping. The magnetic tool and dual quartz coil technology make for an incredibly smooth and easy-to-use pen. Whether you're using it at home as a rig or on-the-go with the metal mouthpiece, the XVAPE V-One 2.0 is a top-of-the-line concentrate vape.
- Wax Tank
- Extra Heating Element
- 1500mAh Battery
- Glass Bubbler Mouthpiece
- Stand Base
- Magnetic Dab Tool
- USB Charger
- 6 x O-Rings
- Instruction Manual